
Pathological - color-matching puzzle game

Pathological is a color matching puzzla game where you fill each wheel with four matching colors to solve each board. Various board elements such as teleporters, switches, filters, etc., make the game interesting and challenging.
Publisher: (Bart.S) and Pathological developers
Date updated: 2010-12-30
System Requirements: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, WINE on Linux/UNIX
License: Free / Open Source (Launcher: GPL, Pathological: GPL)
Source Code: Launcher, Pathological


ScreenshotPathological is an enriched clone of the game "Logical" by Rainbow Arts. To solve a level, fill each wheel with four marbles of matching color. Various board elements such as teleporters, switches, filters, etc., make the game interesting and challenging. New levels can be created using your favorite text editor.

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